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Salem Arts Association is excited to open our 2022 exhibition schedule with a showcase of our member artwork. Our current Salem Arts members are exhibiting their best and newest work showing the community what we have to offer in all of our diverse styles and artistic disciplines.  

Exhibition Dates: March 5 - April 2

Our Guest Juror: 

Sara Ashodian, Salem Arts Association Artist in Residence

As artist in residence I am often roaming around the building. This offered me the opportunity to view this exhibit multiple times. The works chosen for awards are works that drew me in and I kept coming back to looking further. They moved me with emotion thus capturing my attention.


Best of Show

Cheryl Stanton “Heart of the Sky”  Acrylic Painting, $375

Sunrise? Sunset? Inclusive of memories of open space, beach, movement of clouds. Drawing me in with use of color. This painting slows my breathing and nudges me to remember beauty.

Second Prize

Daniel Breslin “Thoughts” Oil on Canvas, $450

An imposing presence in this muted portrait. Compelling composition with the eyes looking out to the beyond. Somewhat ghost like and still able to follow you around the room.

Third Prize

Edward Bradstreet “Sunflower #1” Photography, $250

The captured image seems alive as the flower is in the process of becoming fully in bloom. The balance of beauty and formation is full of hope.

Honorable Mentions

Sue Grillo “Sour Apples & Journaling” Ink, Pencil Gouache, $420

Jessica Murdock “Sharkie on a Cushion” Watercolor, NFS

Deb Perez “Bromfield Street” Oil, $900

Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6 pm

Parking: on street when available

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© 2007 - 2025,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970