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Support the arts by volunteering in our shop on weekends

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to volunteer in any of the positions below. 

Contact with your area of interest. Current leadership will be there to train you and make sure you have the information and resources to succeed. 

There are Volunteer opportunities for everyone!

Salem Arts Association succeeds on Volunteer efforts from our members. This requires a few members to help with not only the shop to keep our doors open but we need volunteers for exhibition take in and pick up days, reception evenings, lead committees, take on board roles, and contribute to the overall strategies and success of the organization. We’re rewarded by building a community of great creative energy and talent, which comes with many friendships and the pride of making something truly special happen. 

If you do not see a volunteer role that matches your skills please contact with your area of interest. Current leadership will be there to train you and make sure you have the information and resources to succeed!

Please consider taking on one of the following Volunteer roles at Salem Arts Association. 

Volunteer Board Leadership

Volunteer Operations Leadership

Contact with your area of interest. Current leadership will be there to train you and make sure you have the information and resources to succeed. 

Board Member Roles

Incoming 2025 President Deborah Greel

The following roles are currently open and need experienced leaders to help drive the future vision of Salem Arts Association. 

Board members are required to attend 6 to 8 board meetings throughout the year and participate or lead sub committees. Board members are also expected to attend all events. 

President of the Board

Deborah Greel

Serve up to three consecutive one-year terms

The President will coordinate the activities of Salem Arts Association under the general direction of the Board of Directors. This role requires a business-minded leader with a passion for achieving the vision and strategy of Salem Arts Association. You will build relationships in the community and membership and exemplify the values of the association. 

Duties include

  • Set and promote the vision, mission, and values of the association
  • Develop and follow through on strategic planning.
  • Presides at all meetings of the board or membership and be responsible for meeting agenda planning. 
  • Represent Salem Arts Association to state, city, business, and community representatives.
  • Point of contact with Salem Maritime National Historic Site. 
  • Attend key functions and events for key supporting organizations with Salem City Hall, Chamber of Commerce, Salem Main Streets, Creative Collective, Destination Salem, neighborhood associations, and others as needed.
  • Take charge of development activities including grant applications, fundraising, and sponsorships. Assign sub committees as needed. 
  • The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Board, an officer to fill any vacancy.

Collaborate with the Vice President to divide the leadership workload.

  • Develop meeting agendas with Board Vice President. 
  • Review and accept the organization’s calendar and budget – initially for the year, and monthly throughout the year
  • Plan the organization’s activities and procedures to achieve the strategic goals developed by the Board of Directors
  • Review all material to be disseminated to members or the public.  This includes paper and electronic material.
  • Conduct “retrospective” meetings and after action needs following events and programs
  • Responsible for recruitment, retention, and recognition of the volunteer staff for all programs and events.

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Vice President of the Board

David Curcio

Serve up to three consecutive one-year terms

The Vice President shall assist the President as needed with their duties and perform the presiding duties in the President’s absence and may perform additional duties as agreed upon by the Board of Directors. The Vice President is next in line for the President position when that term limit is reached.  

The vice president acts as liaison between the Board of Directors and the committees. 

Oversee the day-to-day Operations. Work at a higher level than a committee chair; for instance, any committee could escalate a problem to the Vice President. 

Vice President's role is a forward-thinking strategic responsibility, and they should not be duplicating work that a committee does.

Duties include

  • Recruit members to lead committees
  • Motivate committee chairpersons toward active participation and involvement.  
  • Plan the committee’s functions, consulting with leaders of Salem Arts and committee members
  • Lead and direct execution of the committee’s functions
  • Plan work responsibilities and effectively assign them
  • Develop Operations meeting agendas with input from committee members
  • Chair operations meetings effectively to maintain the group’s focus, stimulate group thinking, encourage and channel discussions, and reach closure
  • Follow up with committee members on progress in their assignments
  • Accept responsibility for the committee success.
  • Note: per by-laws, the committee chairs are appointed by the officers.

Collaborate with the President to divide the leadership workload.

  • Develop meeting agendas with Board President. 
  • Review and accept the organization’s calendar and budget – initially for the year, and monthly throughout the year
  • Plan the organization’s activities and procedures to achieve the strategic goals developed by the Board of Directors
  • Review all material to be disseminated to members or the public.  This includes paper and electronic material.
  • Conduct “retrospective” meetings and after action needs following events and programs
  • Responsible for recruitment, retention, and recognition of the volunteer staff for all programs and events. 

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Board Secretary

Vanessa Thompson

No term limits

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all board, officers, and operations meetings and shall read the previous meetings’ minutes for correction or approval unless otherwise waived. 

They will have charge of all the corporation papers and perform all duties of the office as required by the board. The Secretary shall answer all general communications addressed to the association unless content requires actions by President, Vice President, or Treasurer.  The Secretary shall send out all notices of all membership, officer, and board meetings and carry out all duties required by the board. 

The Secretary will also perform all duties of “clerk” as described by Massachusetts government, including filing the necessary papers every year with the state to maintain the association’s non-profit status. The Secretary shall keep records of the terms served by all Officers and board members, maintaining the records from the inception of the organization.

Duties include

  • Ensure meeting minutes are recorded, communicated, and archived. Take the minutes at all board and operation meetings as spelled out in the by-laws for the Salem Arts Association. Also readies the operations of any minutes which are to be posted on the SAA members website. The agenda for all meetings will be sent out one week prior to all board and operation meetings. All of the secretary’s duties are also posted in the SAA by-laws and available for SAA members to read.  
  • File Annual Report On or before Nov 1 each year.  Requires access to Mass DOR account
  • File Certificate of Change of Directors or Officers after Elections or appointments. Requires access to Mass DOR account. In filing reports with the Secretary of the Commonwealth  acts as the clerk for the association . 
  • Update Bylaws with the State whenever they are amended. Requires access to Mass DOR account. Has a committee of members review the by-laws yearly. Also have bylaws reviewed by counsel yearly.
  • File all necessary reports and documents in a timely manner with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
  • Manage and announce meeting schedules. Ensure that detailed information is supplied beforehand about matters which are going to be discussed and voted upon.
  • Manage association documentation including Bylaws, Organization Handbook. Board of Directors “field guide”, and others as needed.
  • Receive and document board resignations and changes to the board membership.
  • Manage organization files and records in google drive. 

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Open Position

Contact to express interest in this position

No term limits

This role requires a highly organized leader with finance or business background. Oversee the management and reporting of an organization’s finances. Oversee budget planning with executive committee. 

Duties include

  • Bank account maintenance – collaborate with bookkeeper to manage accounts, sign checks, and invest excess funds wisely. Monitor funds and authorize finance committee to move money between accounts as needed
  • Financial transaction oversight – Be knowledgeable about the organization’s funds, and any outstanding bills or debts owed; develop systems for keeping cash flow manageable
  • Budgets – Develop the annual budget; compare the actual revenues and expenses incurred against the budget.  Items to pay close attention to include operational expenses, insurance, advertising budget, and technology costs. 
  • Financial Policies and practices – Oversee the development and observation of the organization's financial policies and practices.
  • Reports – Present financial data reports at every Ops and Board meeting.  Ensure all Federal, State and local financial reporting is completed in a timely fashion and make these forms available to the board.
  • Audit - supply the General Ledger to Auditor for review quarterly
  • Insurance:  review insurance policies at least yearly to see if any changes are appropriate.  Obtain insurance riders for offsite events as necessary
  • Pre-approve expenses per limits listed in bylaws; review and approve expense reports.
  • Provide cash advance for approved expenses for events.
  • Track all grants and specific donations against expenses.  File grant claims in a timely manner.
  • Manage access to accounts including banking, QuickBooks, PayPal, and others as needed.

As-needed tasks:

  • Record Membership payments in Wild Apricot if made in cash or by check (PayPal payments are automatically recorded)
  • Record donations in Wild Apricot database and inform IT, Retail, Gallery, and development committees that it was received.  
  • Responsibility for writing thank you letters for donations.
  • Deposit checks/cash and record in QuickBooks accordingly
  • Pay Bills
  • Process reimbursements
  • Notify membership committee of membership payment received via method other than website.
  • Maintain a list of all finance related accounts with access information – keep it secure!  Make sure the appropriate officer is listed with each account
  • Work with bookkeeper to ensure payments for building needs, taxes, utilities, and services.
  • Transfer money between accounts as needed

Collaborate with Bookkeeper on the following

  • Sweep PayPal into checking monthly, entering specifics into QuickBooks for PayPal deposits transaction fees and any other transactions. 
  • Make artists' payments.  File State Sales Tax on or before 20th of the following month even if there have been no sales.  Requires access to Mass DOR account
  • Analyze financial data and prepare reports for every Ops meeting. The treasurer uses this same report (or a subset) for quarterly board meetings. 
  • Code automatic deposits and withdrawals from QuickBooks. 
  • Reconcile all bank accounts and PayPal
  • Transfer money into savings account if appropriate
  • Download statements from all accounts and store in cloud
  • Scan all expense reports and store in cloud
  • Cut check from operations coded 4025 deposit in Scholarship Fund
  • Obtain a W-9 from any artist or sub-contractor paid in excess of $600 within the fiscal year; needed to file the 1099, so get this EARLY in January if not before.  

Manage Federal, State and local financial reporting – specific dates due

These forms are filed by the treasurer with “leg-work” done by the finance committee

  • File Federal 990N (taxes for fiscal year on or before May 15 of the following year.   Requires access to Mass DOR account
  • File State Form PC with form 990EZ attachment on or before May 15 of the following year.   Requires access to Mass DOR account
  • File a non-profit annual report with the Corporations Division on or before November 1st of each year.  M.G.L.A. c180 § 26A (1933); 950 CMR § 106.13

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Board Members

Contact to offer a nomination or express interest in joining the Board of Directors 

The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall health and effectiveness of the organization. Their key responsibilities are as follows. 

Duties include

  • Determine Salem Arts Association’s mission, purposes, review of by-laws, handbooks, and procedures.
  • Develop short and long term strategic plans.
  • Provide ongoing support and guidance for the President; review thier performance
  • Ensure effective organizational planning and development
  • Educate self on all state laws pertaining to conflict of interest in a 501c3 organization 
  • Ensure adequate resources and manage these resources with careful financial reviews, committee reports, and fund raising 
  • Determine and monitor the organization's programs and services
  • Enhance the organization's public image
  • Serve as a court of appeal for unresolved issues or complaints
  • Recommended actions to be a responsible and effective Board member:
  • Attend all board meetings and special-called meetings.

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    Operations Committees

    Retail Shop Teams

    Responsibilities for managing the Salem Arts Retail Shop can be split into functional roles so we share the effort. It’s a Team Effort. There will be two key committee chairpersons: Retail Manager for Shop & Personnel, and Retail Manager for Inventory & Technology.  

    Retail Committee Chairpersons must attend monthly operations meetings. 

    Retail Manager for Shop & Personnel

    Contact to express interest in this position

    This role is responsible for managing the shop operations and physical space. It’s a great position for a people-person.  Management and retail experience preferred but not required.  The ideal person is available on weekends and lives near the galleries.  The Retail Manager for Shop & Personnel will need to have an active presence in the retail shop – the amount of time required there is dependent on recruiting members of a Retail Committee, Shop Leads, and working with artist members to fulfill their volunteer requirements.

    Duties include

    • Recruit and train committee members, shop leads, and volunteers.
    • Maintain a schedule of staffing, including identifying staff who are tasked with opening and closing on weekends.
    • Ensure someone is staffing the retail shop and that the schedule is available to all “sitters”
    • Maintain training documentation and retail shop guidelines. 
    • Receive work for the shop – make sure that each piece is clearly labeled and ready for display
    • Manage sales records from retail shop and gallery on artist’s inventory sheets. 
      Curate retail displays for the shop
    • Collaborate with Finance team for collection of cash, checks, and credit card receipts and reconcile with sales slips weekly. Deposit cash and checks to the bank.  
    • Manage ordering of office products and supplies
    • Attend monthly operations meetings and deliver updates and reports.

    Collaborate with Retail Manager for Inventory & Tech, and Retail Committee on the following:

    • Schedule and Manage take-in of new inventory 
    • Maintain inventory forms and artist info sheets 
    • Develop rules and guidelines regarding number of pieces allowed per member, maximum size, timeline for turnover of pieces on display.  
    • Develop calls for art and schedule for new inventory take-in.

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    Retail Manager for Inventory & Tech  

    Contact to express interest in this position

    This role is responsible for managing the technical operations and inventory management software. This is a great position for a tech savvy individual with strong attention to detail and organizational skills who prefers to work behind the scenes.  The position requires a physical presence during the monthly take-in for the retail shop and remote availability throughout the month.

    Duties include

    • Work with the Retail Manager for Shop & Personnel provide overall management of the retail operation.
    • Receive work for the shop.  Ensure inventory is complete, legible, and organized.  Check that each item is clearly labeled and matches the inventory.
    • Control information for the online (Square) inventory system.  Make sure that information is accurate. Add and archive inventory as needed.
    • Create inventory labels and barcodes.
    • Working with IT Committee to make sure on-line volunteer sign-up is available
      • Track volunteer hours
    • Attend monthly operations meetings and deliver updates and reports.

    Collaborate with Retail Manager for Shop & Personnel and Retail Committee on the following:

    • Schedule and Manage take-in of new inventory 
    • Maintain inventory forms and artist info sheets 
    • Develop rules and guidelines regarding number of pieces allowed per member, maximum size, timeline for turnover of pieces on display.  
    • Plan and create Salem Arts branded merchandise
    • Develop consignment contract (including commission rate) yearly 
    • Post calls for art and schedule for new inventory take-in.
    • Align sales from retail space and gallery with online inventory systems.

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    Education Committee Lead

    Contact to express interest in this position

    The Education Chairperson manages workshop programs, internships, and outreach to local schools and universities. This role needs a self-starter, preferably with some events planning and education background. You will create and implement all education and programs offered and/or sponsored by the Association. This is an ideal position for someone who wants to create and implement programing.

    Duties include

    • Art education - plan and implement art and education classes for the benefit of the membership and the public. Plans and implements classes, demonstrations, and workshops. 
    • Work with Board Executive Committee to manage Scholarship Programs.
    • Recruit teachers and instructors 
    • Create and maintain event calendar 
    • Work with Communications team to promote events
    • Arrange for appropriate workshop space 
    • Work with Gallery/Events Committee for special showings of student work.
    • Work with local schools and youth organizations to identify and encourage artistic endeavors. 
    • Manage internship Program

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    Membership Lead

    Contact to express interest in this position

    This position requires a people person with basic computer skills.  The position can be done remotely. The membership chair and committee conduct membership outreach, recruitment, and retention activities, and approves applications of potential new members.

    Duties include

    • Evaluate membership applications to ensure applicant meets the membership requirement as set forth in the bylaws.
    • Activate new members and authorize senior, student and teacher memberships making sure that membership is paid.  Follow-up re: unpaid memberships.
    • Follow-up with lapsed members and members with bad email addresses
    • Inform members of privileges, opportunities, website profile management, and benefits. 
    • Call new members and provide welcome kits.
    • Manage membership email templates
    • Provide information about membership for the Operations Team and Board
    • Analyze membership trends and report to ops and/or board

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    Events Lead

    Contact to express interest in this position

    This position requires a people person excellent project management skill. The position can be hybrid with remote work and on-site event management. The Events Lead will recruit event committee members, plan events, manage budgets, handle space needs, and be responsible for all details of special and recurring events.

    Duties include

    • Recruit event committee and volunteers
    • Develop event plans and budgets
    • Coordinate performers and musicians
    • Manage vendors 
    • Be available during events to manage success
    • Collaborate with communications, public relations, education and operations committees
    • Plan new events to benefit Salem Arts Association and Members
    • Events include the following planned events plus any new events
      • Gallery Receptions
      • Artoberfest
      • Annual Holiday Artists’ Market
      • Fundraisers

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    Development and Fundraising Lead

    Contact to express interest in this position

    Work closely with the Board and staff on developing and prioritizing short and long-range fundraising strategies with measurable goals. Work with Finance Committee to establish specific fundraising goals. 

    Duties include

    • Create long and short-term development plans 
    • Identify and define sources of revenue 
    • Develop and introduce sponsorship categories, levels, etc. Review with Board for approval
    • Design and participate in the implementation of special sponsorship events and programs 
    • Identify target donor audiences and high network individuals 
    • Define and plan fundraising campaigns 
    • Arrange to reconnect with all donors each financial period
    • Coordinate Fundraising events with the Operations Committee and the Board. 
    • Send "thank you" letter to donor when informed by finance that a donation was received.  

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    Public Relations Lead

    Contact to express interest in this position

    This role is responsible for the overall voice and message of the association. They are key to communicating news, information, event announcements, and managing the Salem Arts brand. The role requires someone with excellent writing skill and graphic design experience. 

    Work with all committees to develop materials and advertising to promote their events.  These materials may consist of print media, email announcements, social media, and press releases

    Duties include

    • Lead communications committee
    • Brand development
    • Advertising Planning, Salem Guide Books
    • Public Relations:  Write and send out press releases to local newspapers and other media for Salem Arts Association Events and calls for art.  
    • Post events and updates to the website and social media
    • Distributed information to local organizations to post (Creative Collective, Destination Salem, Creative County, etc).  
    • Develop deadlines for publicity to be disseminated.
    • Social Media Specialist:  Maintain Salem Arts Association social media pages with images, text, video etc of events, exhibitions, calls for art, etc.
    • Newsletter Editor – working with President and Committee Chairs create a newsletter to disseminate Salem Arts Association news and related content (local arts events, exhibition opportunities) to membership and the community at large.
    • Graphic Designer – create graphics for calls for art, brochures, posters, website, etc.
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    Contact with your area of interest. Current leadership will be there to train you and make sure you have the information and resources to succeed. 

    Salem Arts Association
    159 Derby Street 
    Salem, MA 01970  
    Phone: 978-745-4850 

    Weekends 12-6 pm

    Parking: on street when available

       Link to our facebook page.     Link to our Instagram page.   Link to our TikTok page.   Link to our LinkedIn page.

    © 2007 - 2025,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

    159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970