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Young at Art: 2020 Student Exhibition

The Salem Arts Association is excited to offer “Young at Art”, a showcase of artwork from local teenagers. This collection of artworks is created by students from Salem public, private, charter school students, and members of Salem-based organizations between the ages of 13 -19.

This exhibition has been installed in our  brand new "Pickering Wharf Gallery" at Salem Arts Association's new location. 

Award Winners!

Winners were chosen by our Salem Arts Association Exhibitions Curator, Heather Meri Stewart, and Board President James Bostick. We salute all our young artists participating, however the following students are deserving of additional recognition. 

Best In Show

Erin Survilas "Mind Wrap"

"This exquisite image used oil painting materials in an advanced and delicate manner to bring the viewer into a dream composed by the artist. It communicates a collection of stories. "

Second Prize

Kaylyn Sverker "Pieces of Me"

"The artist effectively deconstructs herself while composing multiple mediums of photography and printmaking, engaging color to amplify the mood of this creative and sculptural composition. We're left wondering if this image experiences completion or an endless tension of separation."

Third Prize

Jakari Maupin "Self"

"Through the use of pop-culture, ethnography, symbolism, and surrealism the image takes us on a journey through this artist's unique mind map. This is a very individual portrayal representing the sort of unrelenting and sometimes competing influences most have spinning and engaging within us. There's a poignant beauty within the chaos composed here.

Honorable Mentions


click images to view larger

Christopher Curran-Cardarelli  "Unfinished Business"  Digital Photography, $50.00

Emma LeColst  "Vermont in the Rain"  Watercolor, $35.00

Rauliz Paez  "Untitled"  Digital Photography, $50.00

Jessica Valatka  "Imagination"  Acrylic and Watercolor on Wood, NFS

Morgan Reeves  "Colors of the Wind"  Printmaking, NFS

Support our Young at Art Students

Items marked with prices are for sale. Please email artwork purchase inquiries to and a representative will get back to you with details on how to buy. 

Artwork List

Name Title Medium Awards
Christopher Curran-Cardarelli Decommissioned Digital Photography
Christopher Curran-Cardarelli Unfinished Business Digital Photography Honorable Mention
Christopher Curran-Cardarelli Lynn Digital Photography
Julia Evdokimov Act of the Monarchs  Digital (Google Draw)
Julia Evdokimov Duck at Dawn Colored Pencil
Sophia Rose Fritz Alien Attack Gel Pen and Watercolor Markers
Quentin Gangle Exotoc Turtle Markers (Pentel)
Emma LeColst Vermont in the Rain Watercolor Honorable Mention
Emma LeColst Silent Dusk Watercolor
Emma LeColst Buddha Acrylic on Canvas
James Levesque Great White Heron Watercolor
James Levesque Insect Series (Set of 3) Markers (Pentel)
James Levesque Dahlia Markers (Pentel)
Jakari Maupin "Self" Pencil and Marker on Paper Third Prize
Lucas Nieto Self-Portrait Colored Pencil
Lucas Nieto PEM Inspirations Markers (Pentel)
Lucas Nieto Abstract Fruit Markers (Pentel)
Rauliz Paez Untitled Digital Photography Honorable Mention
Morgan Reeves Colors of the Wind Printmaking Honorable Mention
Erin Survilas Mind Warp Oil Painting Best in Show
Erin Survilas Nautilus Watercolor
Erin Survilas Sunset Cruise Watercolor
Erin Survilas Sick with Envy Oil Painting
Kaylyn Sverker Bird Box Mixed Media
Kaylyn Sverker Pieces of Me Print Making Second Prize
Jessica Valatka Imagination Acrylic and Watercolor on Wood Honorable Mention
Jessica Valatka Bessie Coleman Acrylic on Canvas
Jessica Valatka Vessel; Abstract Acrylic on Canvas
Jeremy Valatka Life in India Digital Photography

Salem Arts will be awarding two scholarships to local High School seniors who will be pursuing higher education in the Arts.

The Paula Beaulieu Scholarship, will be awarded to one deserving Salem High Graduating Senior.

The Ellen Hardy Scholarship will be awarded to a deserving graduating senior from any Salem school or program, including Salem Arts Association Student Artist Members.

Application forms and rules for these scholarships are available on our website (

Scholarship winners will be announced in May 2020.

Scholarship Application

Salem Arts Association
159 Derby Street 
Salem, MA 01970  
Phone: 978-745-4850 

Weekends 12-6 pm

Parking: on street when available

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© 2007 - 2025,  Salem Arts Association is a 501(c)(3 )non-profit organization

159 Derby Street, Salem MA 01970